Penelope Garcia
A computer wizard who helps research the cases.


One more try by little_profiler

Rated: G • 0 Reviews
Summary: Part four of the ‘Love hurts’ series. This time Derek plans to take his chance.Part four of the ‘Love hurts’ series. This time Derek plans to take his chance.

One of Those Days by PinkAngel17

Rated: 18 • 0 Reviews
Summary: It was just one of those days where if anything could go wrong, would go wrong. Hint of M/G.

One thing I need to know by little_profiler

Rated: G • 0 Reviews
Summary: The quote was "If you were not a bride I would kiss you goodbye." - "If I were not a bride, there would be no goodbyes to be said." from Ben Hur

Sequel to ‘A night at the movies’. Penelope wants to know what a kiss Derek gave her meant before she makes a decision that would change her life forever.

Pay back by little_profiler

Rated: G • 2 Reviews Liked
Summary: Little sequel to 'Back rub'

Penny by Pari

Rated: NC-17 • 2 Reviews Liked
Summary: This is a crossover fic with Criminal Minds TV series and the movie called 'No One Lives'. I love Luke Evans in 'No One Lives' he makes an otherwise blah movie enjoyable as the deliciously crazy bad guy, and what motivated him. How even a monstrous psychopath can love. And I thought why not do a crossover with one of my favorite TV Shows in celebration of its reboot, 'Criminal Minds: Evolution'. In this fic, Secrets from Garcia's past come back to haunt her.

Perfect 10 by LilP7

Rated: 18 • 0 Reviews
Summary: After an unwelcome blind date (NOT LD- she was never even in the picture) Phil had guilt tripped LPA into, he (LPA) finally asks PG out.
This is the Garvez date - there's some angst and PG has self doubts throughout - well almost. Ofc LPA works his magic to make her feel better. I pledged I would only write them with a HEA after all ????.
*M rated for implied A content & use of A language.

Pff, just kiss him! by LilP7

Rated: G • 0 Reviews
Summary: Comment by Ai on my recent Fic:
*Pff, just kiss him and give up XD*
Tell me that doesn’t scream ‘prompt’ as spoken by JJ!?!
This is also a ‘What if…” cos I’ve tweaked 15x10

Possession by little_profiler

Rated: NC-17 • 0 Reviews
Summary: Derek wants to claim whom Penelope belongs to.

Power of love by The Black Horse

Rated: AO: Adults Only • 103 Reviews Liked Feature
Summary: Penelope is in a serious relationship that one day turns abusive. Morgan helps her understand that it isn’t her fault that she got hit and to learn to love again.

Quid Pro Quo by LilP7

Rated: NC-17 • 0 Reviews
Summary: One of the most tenuous What if Fics in my series. In the sense of how much (or in this case, very little) of the episode events I draw upon. Very loosely follows the events of 13x12 Bad Moon on the Rise -*timeline - 3 to 4 weeks after the ep events. OR more precisely- LPAs realization after that blind date. NO its not a bashing of LD, its just what I believe wouldve been more apt since they brought in LPA and the obvious chemistry between our fave couple.
Anyhoo, ig its also an opportunity for some angst
***There are a couple of flashbacks, one mid case, but no gore and no deets discussed.