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Greying by LilP7

Rated: NC-17 • 0 Reviews
Summary: 1 concept, 2 versions(see notes for explanation on that):
V 1- Dry run
PG is surprised by LPA’s new look, prompting a long overdue chat between the two.

…it’s a plumbing issue by LilP7

Rated: NC-17 • 0 Reviews
Summary: Matt tries to help his stubborn friend when he overhears Alvez having an accident from his adjacent hotel room.
But perhaps, LPA is not as alone as Simmons assumed him to be.

Let the lessons begin by LilP7

Rated: NC-17 • 0 Reviews
Summary: Post case, PG asks LPA for a ride home. Not wanting to have LPA sulk at home alone that evening, PG goes to (mildly) extreme measures to get him to agree to a night out with the Fam. OFC it backfires spectacularly- not for long though 😉.

Let the lessons begin by LilP7

Rated: NC-17 • 0 Reviews
Summary: Post case, PG asks LPA for a ride home. Not wanting to have LPA sulk at home alone that evening, PG goes to (mildly) extreme measures to get him to agree to a night out with the Fam. OFC it backfires spectacularly- not for long though 😉.

Get out of the van! by LilP7

Rated: NC-17 • 0 Reviews
Summary: Our Fave boy is smitten and so proud of his Chica that he forgets himself. Letting slip a secret or two along the way.

Pff, just kiss him! by LilP7

Rated: G • 0 Reviews
Summary: Comment by Ai on my recent Fic:
*Pff, just kiss him and give up XD*
Tell me that doesn’t scream ‘prompt’ as spoken by JJ!?!
This is also a ‘What if…” cos I’ve tweaked 15x10

He Snores, He Snores not by LilP7

Rated: NC-17 • 0 Reviews
Summary: ~established, albeit on the DL, Garvez~
Prompt by Bow_is_best_boi:
🍁The team comes back from a case, and Reid, who roomed with Luke is complaining that he barely got any sleep because "Alvez is a snorer." (Luke struggles to sleep and therefore snores in beds he's not familiar with/comfortable in.) Penelope, without thinking, immediately goes, "what? no he's not!" (bc they were a secret) (ofc)🍁

Lost in Translation by LilP7

Rated: NC-17 • 0 Reviews
Summary: ~Established Garvez~
Our fave couple have been together for 2-3 months. In this Fic we find them in The Bronx, the first time PG is visiting his family home since becoming his GF. This to note that PG has already met his close fam on previous occasions and is familiar/at ease with them.
Anyhoo- they r visiting to celebrate LPA’s Great Aunt first ever visit from Puerto Rico.

Now she’s quiet! by LilP7

Rated: NC-17 • 0 Reviews
Summary: (NO case deets)
After his umpteenth brush with death on the job, LPA has to decide whether his job with the BAU, his apparent unrequited feelings for a certain blonde TA are still worth wasting more of his time on or whether it's time to move on.

Creep by LilP7

Rated: NC-17 • 0 Reviews
Summary: Song fic based on ????Creep???? by Radiohead
PG helps an inebriated LPA home after post case drinks at OKeefes.
He asks her for a dance

*were in S17 but not in any particular ep*