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Sex Slave by ROSSELLA1

Summary: Pre 100: Foyet knows where Haley and Jack is and blackmails Hotch into going with him and being his sex slave. Sick I know but I can't get it out of my head. Also, in my mind Hotch is rescued by Vincent Perotta but that part's optional because I'm just obsessed with Perotta.
Categories: Challenges, Erotica, Slash/FemSlash Characters: Aaron 'Hotch' Hotchner, Original Character

Webcam by otp_seeker

Summary: Over the course of a case, Reid and Garcia are talking over webcam. Garcia takes things too far and Reid isn't sure when to tell her to stop, if at all. I'm fine with naughtiness--Reid blushing is my favorite. :) Bonus points if Morgan finds out and gets jealous.
Categories: General, Erotica Characters: Dr. Spencer Reid, Penelope Garcia