Dr. Spencer Reid
A classically misunderstood genius whose social IQ is as low as his intellectual IQ is high.


For the Love of the Children by Kaede

Rated: NC-17 • 0 Reviews
Summary: AU. becoming a different kind of family. Warnings: mentions of child abuse, child molestation and a lot of angst.

Fracture by rogueandkurt

Rated: G • 1 Reviews Liked
Summary: She gestured to the couch across from her desk, and he sat stiffly, clutching his legal pad to his chest.

Fun Night Out by Reidluver

Rated: G • 0 Reviews
Summary: Post Sex, Birth, Death. Garcia takes Reid somewhere fun to take his mind off Nathan.

Game On by xxxDrSpencerReidxxx

Rated: 18 • 0 Reviews
Summary: While leaving work Reid is attacked by two Unsubs. The team get phone calls and videos of him playing a twisted game and it all relies on how much they know about Reid. Will they save him? Are they willing to go into the darkest memories of Dr Spencer Reid to save his life?

Golden Tears by Walkinthegarden

Rated: 18 • 0 Reviews
Summary: pre - Hotch/JJ

JJ's family is killed in a terrible bombing. Only one person can help her through.

Will be a sequel

Growing Up BAU by kavileighanna

Rated: G • 0 Reviews
Summary: Family is always important, especially to them.

Hark by rogueandkurt

Rated: G • 0 Reviews
Summary: A child murder case darkens the BAU's Christmas, causing Reid to question his way of thinking.

Hate the Sinner, Hate the Sin by pariswriter

Rated: 18 • 1 Reviews Liked
Summary: Dr. Spencer Reid meets a woman one night and feels an instant attraction, but the BAU team gets called to investigate a series of murders halfway across the country, forcing potential romance to take a back seat to catching the UnSub. Casefic.

Hearts by rogueandkurt

Rated: G • 2 Reviews Liked
Summary: "Nothing says romance like sending your boyfriend into anaphylactic shock."

High Flying by carina scott

Rated: AO: Adults Only • 0 Reviews
Summary: After a difficult case, Derek helps his lover cope