Reviews For No more sweets

Name: ROSSELLA1 (Anonymous) · Date: Jun 26, 2010 - 11:10 pm · For: Epiphany
Awww! Thank goodness Derek's there to save the day!

Author's Response: Hehe, yeah. But now that the story is at this point, I really don't know how to continue. LOL My muse left me standing in the rain with this. :)

Name: hellomy22 (Signed) · Date: Jun 26, 2010 - 10:18 pm · For: Epiphany
hi, how are you?. Sorry for my english, i´m from argentina and i´m learning XD. I love it, keep going please :).
Thanks and bye. _Good luck.

Author's Response: Don't worry about your English, it's fine. Besides, I'm from Germany, so mine certainly isn't that much better. LOLrnrnThank you so much for reviewing! I'm sorry it took me forever to respond, I only just found out how it works at all. :)rnrnHope you're doing good over there!

Name: line (Anonymous) · Date: Jun 02, 2010 - 11:12 am · For: Certitude
I love it, to begin because dereke and penelope my favourite figures, but especially are because it's definitely write and however I am French then i have of translate but i have hung so quickly that everything in daytimes I come to see if there is suite and i hope so much from the bottom of heart disrespect one. You should make hire on the tray as scriptwriter .

thank you for making about me across your words and good continuance dream

Author's Response: Thanks so much, I'm glad you liked it. I learned French at school, but I really can't remember much. LOLrnrnI'd love to be a writer, but I don't think I could do that for a living. I'm just not good enough. LOLrnrnMerci beaucoup et au revoir!

Name: Steph Thomas (Anonymous) · Date: Dec 12, 2009 - 12:00 am · For: Temptation
This is a great story!!! As a bigger girl, I know comments like these can hurt people!!!
Keep the story going!!!

Author's Response: Yeah, I know that, too. People can be mean, because most of them are just down right stupid. :)rnrnThanks so much for your review!

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