:-))))))) re-read it a few times and every time Roxy cracks me up!!! It is so sweet how u interspersed her reactions here. I've always said that without a Roxy, there wouldn't be a Garvez. So well done for doing justice to our fave furry friend!!!
LilP7 07/03/24 04:46 am Tell me abt it! Who wants to name that guy!!! ;-) thx for adding the new characters! Also- thx I will post FRW(T) L-as soon as I finish the last chp! Pari 06/30/24 04:59 am Hey LilP7 I will add the new characters even He who I do not really want to name :/ :P
Oh and I just got your email about From posting 'Russia with (Twisted) Love", please by all means post LilP7 06/29/24 07:15 pm Hey Pari, will you add some of the new CME Characters to the drop down menu? I'm using OC to describe the likes of Voit(!) Pari 04/13/23 01:11 am LilP7 you can find the link to create a series under the member account page, when you log in. LilP7 12/10/22 07:18 am Took the plunge and wrote a lil story. Thx to Pari and all other FF writers for inspiring me to put my idea on paper (well digitally at least) LilP7 12/10/22 06:56 am Took the plunge and wrote a lil story. Thx to Pari and all other FF writers for inspiring me to put my idea on paper (well digitally at least) LilP7 11/29/22 11:54 am As I mentioned b4, I am Garvez all the eay. Though I am definetly enjoying yr MorGar (or is that Morcia?) Ones too. Reading them again and leaving some reviews to show appreciation 4 yr hard work Pari 11/29/22 08:31 am @LilP7 Thank you for joining and I hope you enjoy the stories :) LilP7 11/28/22 12:10 pm Thx Pari 4 sharing this link. Now reading up all yr stories first???????????? Pari 03/28/22 08:18 am Member's Only board. Welcome back!