
Name: sadiekate (Signed) · Date: Aug 08, 2008 - 09:30 pm · For: A game of cards
interesting story! aren't they cute together?!

Author's Response: Hey, I finally found out how to respond to reviews. *stupid me* LOLrnrnYeah, they're totally cute together. :)

Name: leigh59 (Anonymous) · Date: Jul 25, 2008 - 09:42 pm · For: Whatever happened
great! i would love you to write a story where Kevin walks into Morgan's fist at the gym of course. in the hand to hand class.

Author's Response: Hehe. LOL I somehow like this thought. Maybe one day... ;)

Name: Pari (Signed) · Date: Jul 01, 2008 - 06:14 pm · For: Bills to pay
Wonderfully done. I can so see this happening on the show, with their job sometimes I'm sure they just want to forget. And as always Morgan is there for his 'babygirl'.

Author's Response: Thank you so much, glad you liked it.rnrnSorry, I never answered to this review - stupid me really just found out how it works. *shakes head* :)

Name: leigh59 (Signed) · Date: Jul 01, 2008 - 05:32 pm · For: Bills to pay
i'm glad that Derek was there to help her.

Author's Response: Of course, he had to be. :) Glad you're here, too.rnrnI only just found out how to answer reviews - or how to read them in the first place. LOL Sometimes, I'm really tech-stupid.rn

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