Reviews For Loser Lynch

Name: hellomy22 (Signed) · Date: Oct 22, 2010 - 11:09 pm · For: Closure
Awww, soo sweet. Love it. Thanks. XD

Author's Response: Thank you for reviewing! Unfortunately, I'm terrible at answering in time.

Name: Twilight Whispers (Signed) · Date: Jan 09, 2009 - 08:16 pm · For: Denial
Story is amazing! I love the relationship between Morgan and Garcia. I can just see him being this protective of her.

Author's Response: Thank you so much! I came up with the story because at first, I had the feeling that Lynch was somehow creepy (turning off the lights in her apartment and stuff). I just felt that there was something wrong with him. LOLrnrnSorry, it took me forever to respond, I only just found out how it works at all.

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