Penelope Garcia
A computer wizard who helps research the cases.


Whenever you need me by little_profiler

Rated: G • 3 Reviews Liked
Summary: Set after 'Profiler, profiled'. After what happened in Chicago there's only one person's shoulder Derek wants to lean on.

Wish upon a henna tattoo by LilP7

Rated: G • 0 Reviews
Summary: PG had the brillo pad idea to have a secret tattooed on her hand.
Will the Team guess it?
What happens when they do?

Without A Trace by sadiekate

Rated: 18 • 8 Reviews Liked
Summary: When an unsub targets one of their own, the team must work quickly before it is too late.

Worries, hesitancy and too much thinking by little_profiler

Rated: G • 1 Reviews Liked
Summary: This is what in my humble opinion should have happened after 'True Night'. Yep, it ignores current story lines including Kevin Lynch. :D

Considering the genres, it's a little bit of everything - and mostly fluff in later chapters.

You Belong to Me by SavinGrace

Rated: AO: Adults Only • 0 Reviews
Summary: Derek realizes that he's in love with Penelope.

You Hack, then I Feast (aka- when She talked Nerdy to Him) by LilP7

Rated: 18 • 0 Reviews
Summary: LPA is stuck on desk duties so he becomes PG's lab partner.
Well, let's just say HR won't b happy with what happens after work hours (and a bit during).

Smut with feels????