Penelope Garcia
A computer wizard who helps research the cases.


Creep by LilP7

Rated: NC-17 • 0 Reviews
Summary: Song fic based on ????Creep???? by Radiohead
PG helps an inebriated LPA home after post case drinks at O’Keefe’s.
He asks her for a dance…

*we’re in S17 but not in any particular ep*

Damaged Genius by Athena

Rated: 18 • 7 Reviews
Summary: What if the FBI assigned another genius to the BAU, what if this one is only 15 but seems so much older. Will the team accept him and help him with his haunted past or will he remain in his lonely existence. Will he finally escape the hold the FBI has over him and regain some semblance of freedom?

Dark Road by little_profiler

Rated: G • 0 Reviews
Summary: Songfic based on the song of Annie Lennox. I've been carrying this idea around for a while and this is what the song from the promo for 'Penelope' made me come up with.

What are you willing to sacrifice for the life of your friend?

Dear Morgan,...(Eldgos - Part Deux) by LilP7

Rated: AO: Adults Only • 0 Reviews
Summary: A work inspired by Eldgos (Volcanic Eruption).
Though it can b read independently.
Sophybubbles commented that there could be a 2nd parter, so…here it is.
There's way more smut (hence *E*).
Still, it's me writing Garvez, plus I need to make up for Pt 1 where these are not spoken.
So expect them to share a few feelings.

Our Fave ????? plays the (sexy) 'Agony Aunt' (hence the title) that guides our plucky PG to finally be Crystal clear (with a C and 1xL????) in regards to her intentions with our fretting LPA.

Doctor's orders by little_profiler

Rated: G • 0 Reviews
Summary: The prompt was hurt/comfort – nursing back to health.
Garcia has the flu – but with Derek taking care of her things aren’t all that bad.

Does anyone care by little_profiler

Rated: G • 0 Reviews
Summary: The quote was 3 “Here I was born, and there I died. It was only a moment for you; you took no notice.” from Vertigo

Set after ‘Penelope’. Penelope realizes that family doesn’t necessarily mean kindred.

Does he know that? by LilP7

Rated: NC-17 • 0 Reviews
Summary: Just a wee Garvez origin story. I do think LPA would be mad at PG's bros after they shunned her post 13x20… so, here is a quick piece abt that.

Don't leave me this way by little_profiler

Rated: G • 1 Reviews Liked
Summary: Sequel to 'Worries, hesitancy and too much thinking'. Maybe they had hesitated too long and now there was no chance they'd get another try.

Drawn In Slow Strokes by Pink Siamese

Rated: AO: Adults Only • 33 Reviews Liked
Summary: A break-in, a song, a note left on the coffee table: with these things George Foyet insinuates himself into Emily’s life, triggering a long slow seductive journey deep into the darkness of her own mind, her past, and her soul. Winner of a 2010 Criminal Minds Fanfic Award (Best Work-In-Progress, 2nd Place).

Eldgos (Volcanic Eruption) by LilP7

Rated: 18 • 0 Reviews
Summary: My attempt to fulfill the Prompt Snails kindly suggested:
***maybe movies and blanket cuddles/fondling on the couch sometime?***

Yes, ofc Garvez.
Yes, ofc some smut - that was the whole idea behind the series ????