Penelope Garcia
A computer wizard who helps research the cases.
Rated: 18 •
0 Reviews
Summary: Overall:
A Garvez origin story that gets fleshed out looking into their near future.
Chp1- The unexpected visitor
Marisol comes to visit her Tío and she herself has an unexpected visitor. When she has a mini meltdown, LPA is in a panic and ofc calls the person he trusts the most to help. Enter PG.
A wee meddling, declarations of feelings, and some smut.
Categories: General
Characters: David Rossi,
Derek Morgan,
Dr. Spencer Reid,
Dr. Tara Lewis,
Emily Prentiss,
Jennifer "JJ" Jareau,
Luke Alvez,
Matt Simmons,
Original Character,
Penelope Garcia
Genres: Angst,
RomanceWarnings: Adult Language,
Sexual Content,
Series: None
Chapters: 5 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 32328 |
Hits: 88 |
Published: Jul 01, 2023 |
Updated: Aug 13, 2023 |
ePub Downloads: 44
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Rated: G •
0 Reviews
Summary: PG discovers she's preggers. She enlists Morgan and Abuela Alvez's help. A revelation and a question are asked. Plus the rest of the BAU fam make an appearance.
Categories: General
Characters: David Rossi,
Derek Morgan,
Dr. Spencer Reid,
Dr. Tara Lewis,
Emily Prentiss,
Jennifer "JJ" Jareau,
Luke Alvez,
Matt Simmons,
Original Character,
Penelope Garcia
Genres: Angst,
RomanceWarnings: Adult Language
Series: Tita's OG Trilogy
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 7118 |
Hits: 1190 |
Published: Dec 21, 2022 |
Updated: Dec 21, 2022 |
ePub Downloads: 70
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Rated: G •
0 Reviews
Summary: Another songfic.
Set after 'Lucky' and written long before 'Penelope' aired. :)
Derek reveals why he thought there was something wrong with Mr. Right.
Categories: General
Characters: Derek Morgan,
Penelope Garcia
Genres: RomanceWarnings: None
Series: Oneshots
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 1218 |
Hits: 4447 |
Published: May 24, 2008 |
Updated: May 24, 2008 |
ePub Downloads: 69
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Rated: 18 •
0 Reviews
Summary: ????????????Yep, this is an attempt at a proper song fic. The title is the same as the chosen tune (‘To Be With You’) by Mr. Big.
Set post S16, a couple of months after Bailey’s funeral. No case deets, just support/comfort, a wee bit of angst and what could yet happen in canon (we need to get these in pre S17- whilst there’s still hope????).
Categories: Erotica,
Characters: Luke Alvez,
Penelope Garcia
Genres: Angst,
RomanceWarnings: Adult Language,
Sexual Content
Series: ????song fic attempts????
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 5695 |
Hits: 155 |
Published: Dec 13, 2023 |
Updated: Dec 13, 2023 |
ePub Downloads: 17
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Rated: G •
1 Reviews
Summary: One-shot. How would you feel if you found out from the grapevine that you'd missed your chance? Inspired by the end scene of Damaged. Morgan/Garcia and Garcia/Kevin.
Categories: Ficlets
Characters: Derek Morgan,
Penelope Garcia
Genres: Angst,
RomanceWarnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 814 |
Hits: 3944 |
Published: May 24, 2008 |
Updated: May 24, 2008 |
ePub Downloads: 63
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Rated: 18 •
0 Reviews
Summary: Overall:
PG is unwittingly recruited into an u/c op by one of LPA's former colleagues. Ofc LPA is gonna go with!
This began as a pure fluff n fun short. Ofc I missed the mark completely. There is still (my kind of) humour, with angst, feelings, smut (kind of) and a soupçon of canon typical violence thrown in for good measure.
Categories: General
Characters: David Rossi,
Emily Prentiss,
Luke Alvez,
Original Character,
Penelope Garcia
Genres: Angst,
RomanceWarnings: Adult Language,
Sexual Content,
Series: None
Chapters: 3 |
Completed: Yes |
Words: 21837 |
Hits: 765 |
Published: Sep 12, 2023 |
Updated: Sep 12, 2023 |
ePub Downloads: 49
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Rated: G •
0 Reviews
Summary: This is my fanfiction, my first actually so cronstructive critisim is expected and welcome. A seris of murders take place in Brandon, Mississippi. Entire families are being slaughtered in their homes at an increasing rate. After some research the team finds that each of the families, though differering in race, age, and number of members, had one similarity. The sons were all accomplished and seemingly happy. They were all also near the age of 18. There was only one survivor, Katie Holloway who was hidden in a kitchen cupboard by her older brother Charlie Holloway. She establishes a friendship with Dr. Spencer Reid because he reminds her of her late brother who died protecting her. Hope you enjoy it.
Categories: General
Characters: Aaron 'Hotch' Hotchner,
Derek Morgan,
Dr. Spencer Reid,
Emily Prentiss,
Jennifer "JJ" Jareau,
Penelope Garcia
Genres: None
Warnings: Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 1 |
Completed: No |
Words: 595 |
Hits: 4628 |
Published: Oct 02, 2008 |
Updated: Oct 02, 2008 |
ePub Downloads: 75
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