Penelope Garcia
A computer wizard who helps research the cases.


How to break somebody's heart by little_profiler

Rated: G • 0 Reviews
Summary: The prompt was lonely.

Part 3 of the ‘Love hurts’ series. Sometimes there’s no way to say the truth without breaking someone’s heart.

How to hook somebody up by little_profiler

Rated: G • 0 Reviews
Summary: JJ recognized that Kevin Lynch has a crush on her friend Penelope but hasn’t dared to make a move yet. She deems the Bureau Christmas party the best chance to hook them up. But things don’t go the way JJ planned them…

Hunks by LilP7

Rated: G • 0 Reviews
Summary: Just a one shot that came to me after reading a great comment by our very own PG, well the actual actress playing her anyhow (KV). The title is taken from her statement.

I do, I do, you know I DO! by LilP7

Rated: 18 • 0 Reviews
Summary: Well, u've guessed it, this is based on 15x07- Rusty.
Part of my "What if… " Series. Taking a look at how that could've turned into a Garvez story.
Only the opening lines of the FF are taken from the Ep. The rest is just my take of what happened after LPA said those words.

I just want you to be happy by little_profiler

Rated: G • 0 Reviews
Summary: Garcia wants to get married and Morgan realizes that he can't let that happen.

I'll Be Missing You by Pari

Rated: NC-17 • 3 Reviews Liked
Summary: Morgan Goes missing who took him and can the team find him before it's too late?

I'll be there for you by little_profiler

Rated: G • 1 Reviews
Summary: Sequel to 'Whenever you need me'. Derek has to testify against Buford.

In Need of Solace by PinkAngel17

Rated: 18 • 1 Reviews Liked
Summary: Morgan needs some comfort from his one and only solace. Set after 'Profiler,Profiled'

Instinctual Pull by PinkAngel17

Rated: NC-17 • 0 Reviews
Summary: A little missing scene from 'The Big Wheel'. Takes place immediantly afterwards. Morgan's having problems dealing with the events. Will he let someone help? M/G as always!

Introducing Charlotte Louisa Bárbara Manuela Alvez by Pari

Rated: G • 1 Reviews Liked
Summary: here's a new addition coming into the Garcia-Alvez home.