10 Largest Series

Oneshots by little_profiler

Rated:4 Reviews Liked
Summary: A series of one shots about my favorite CM couple.

Season 6: The Morgan & Garcia Chronicles by Pari

Rated:20 Reviews Liked
Summary: This is a chronicle of Morgan/Garcia scenes from every episode during the sixth season. Just my take on what happened 'after' each episode.

10 moviequotes by little_profiler

Rated:5 Reviews Liked
Summary: All stories were written for http://community.livejournal.com/10_quotes

What if… ?_______CM/E Garvez as it could've (should've) been by LilP7

Rated:0 Reviews
Summary: Yep, this is the beginning of another Series.rnThis story was prompted over in Ci*M, but I think it fits better in here.rnThe new Series is called:rn'What if… ?_______CM/E Garvez as it could've (should've) been'rnrnPretty self explanatory really. These Fics will b based/borrow from the Eps themselves. As usual they will be written with a Garvez HEA.rnThey r not "fix-it" per se. They r just my musings, pondering as to what could've been.rnI'm paraphrasing from the summary for the Marvel Series which inspired me:rn'Reimagining noteworthy events in the Garvez Universe and creating a multiverse of infinite possibilities.'

Garvez Soundbites by LilP7

Rated:0 Reviews
Summary: rnAs the name suggests, these one shots will be kept short (as short as I can that is) and sweet. These can take place at any moment in the Garvez relationship or preamble thereof. To help keep the work succinct and to the point, there might be extra info in the top/end notes and or summary/tags.rnrn🤔 Just for fun- I won’t be averse to receiving prompts to test my resolve and see if I can come up with a soundbite for whatever anyone wishes to suggest.

10 hurt/comfort challenge by little_profiler

Rated:4 Reviews Liked
Summary: All stories in this series have been written for http://community.livejournal.com/10_hurt_comfort.

Conceptualizations in M (with the occasional *E*)! by LilP7

Rated:0 Reviews
Summary: Anyhoo, I had envisioned this as the start of a series of works dealing with one shot, shorter (as short as I can be that is) stories about Garvez. These not necessarily connected, the only shared thread being that they would all have smut taking a centre/more prominent stage in the plot - most *M*, possibly some *E* rated ones. These could b origin stories as well as showing them at various stages of their relationship. Some will share the core plot but will have different outcomes- something I am sure we r all too familiar with. We get a central story but so many possible ideas for outcomes- so I shall try to explore a couple of those. These could b from any time in the CM and yes, even CME (but ofc with a Garvez HEA twist) series.rn????????????I would be grateful to hear ppl thoughts abt it. Perhaps suggestions for stories if u would like (Garvez only ofc???? with some no- no subjects- i.e. I wouldn't write them cheating). I already have a few ideas, but since I enjoyed developing 87WW's suggestion into 'TNTM', it may be fun to b challenged again.rnCan't guarantee timings or that u would approve of the end results, but I will try my best????????????

Love hurts by little_profiler

Rated:0 Reviews
Summary: Four oneshots all written for the hurt/comfort challenge on LJ belonging to one mini series.

Twelve hours by little_profiler

Rated:3 Reviews Liked
Summary: My 'Twelve hours' series, three more than one chapter stories about my all-time favorite TV-ship.

24 runes by little_profiler

Rated:2 Reviews Liked
Summary: All stories were written for http://community.livejournal.com/24_runes