Luke Alvez
Fugitive Task Force Agent and Supervisory Special Agent. Alvez is a member of the FBI Fugitive Task Force that partners with the BAU to catch the escaped serial killers that escaped. Alvez decides to join the BAU full-time.


Abuela's 911 by LilP7

Rated: G • 1 Reviews Liked
Summary: Abuela Alvez sends a text to PG from Luke's phone. Hijinks and declarations of feelings ensue.

Adore: A GarVez Fic by Pari

Rated: NC-17 • 2 Reviews Liked
Summary: Set after Season 14, Episode 6. Where I'd like Luke and Garcia's relationship to progress. Writing this as ideas pop into my head. Maybe a long one, maybe a short one. Stay tuned. Constructive feedback is always welcome.

First published on FF.net on Nov 9th, 2018

And in the end…there’s always a beginning… by LilP7

Rated: 18 • 0 Reviews
Summary: ?***UPDATED- There are 2 Chp in the work now***
Chp 1- No Date
Part of the What if series taking a look at what could’ve happened after 15x10. That date never actually materialised…and yet… there’s still a HEA.

As still as you can by LilP7

Rated: NC-17 • 0 Reviews
Summary: PG and LPA find themselves in a tricky situation. PG sitting in Esther’s driving seat and LPA between her legs…
It’s just a short, silly piece of fluff (sprinkled amongst the angst).

…it’s a plumbing issue by LilP7

Rated: NC-17 • 0 Reviews
Summary: Matt tries to help his stubborn friend when he overhears Alvez having an accident from his adjacent hotel room.
But perhaps, LPA is not as alone as Simmons assumed him to be.

Blind Valentine by LilP7

Rated: 18 • 0 Reviews
Summary: A Valentine fic, really!?! My version of a Rom-Com FF between our fave couple. Not all elements are present (of a Rom-Com- yes apparently there are strict rules) but I thought there wasn’t need for some specific aspects… ??”Nope I’m not gonna spoil what those are.
PG is fretting, not wanting to spend the next V-Day alone. A wary LPA gets roped in PG’s brillo pad (????) plan to avoid that. Humour, angst, sharing of feels, yes even a touch of smut ensue.

Collision Course by LilP7

Rated: 18 • 0 Reviews
Summary: Tweaking of ep 12x14 - Of the eponymous title.
Ofc this making this fic a fully Garvez HEA one.

Creep by LilP7

Rated: NC-17 • 0 Reviews
Summary: Song fic based on ????Creep???? by Radiohead
PG helps an inebriated LPA home after post case drinks at O’Keefe’s.
He asks her for a dance…

*we’re in S17 but not in any particular ep*

Dear Morgan,...(Eldgos - Part Deux) by LilP7

Rated: AO: Adults Only • 0 Reviews
Summary: A work inspired by Eldgos (Volcanic Eruption).
Though it can b read independently.
Sophybubbles commented that there could be a 2nd parter, so…here it is.
There's way more smut (hence *E*).
Still, it's me writing Garvez, plus I need to make up for Pt 1 where these are not spoken.
So expect them to share a few feelings.

Our Fave ????? plays the (sexy) 'Agony Aunt' (hence the title) that guides our plucky PG to finally be Crystal clear (with a C and 1xL????) in regards to her intentions with our fretting LPA.

Does he know that? by LilP7

Rated: NC-17 • 0 Reviews
Summary: Just a wee Garvez origin story. I do think LPA would be mad at PG's bros after they shunned her post 13x20… so, here is a quick piece abt that.